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Museum of Art and History – Lancaster

Museum of Art and History – Lancaster

This museum is less than 10 minutes away from our Catalyst Lancaster Cannabis Dispensary location at 665 W Lancaster Blvd and has exhibits of artwork, Native American artifacts, post-war displays and more. Now I know what you’re thinking, “what kind of nerd gets off on getting stoned and going to a museum?” Well my friend, I’m here to tell you that the world needs those kinds of nerds!


The world needs people who can both explain the importance of Jackson Polluck and tell you what happened to the Cherokees more than it needs you to be able to quote the entirety of Rick and Morty Season 3. As it happens, I can do both and I gained such abilities at the Museum of Art and History. Need I also mention this is a great activity to do while belligerently stoned? Instead of appearing lethargic and sleepy people take you to be contemplative and deep.


Go learn something with your afternoon, this place is dope and it’s huge. You can get lost in here for hours and discover things about yourself you never knew existed. Stop by Catalyst before you go, the weed enhances the artwork like you wouldn’t believe.


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